日本高等教育学会会員 各位
Dear JAHER Members
The Japanese Association of Higher Education Research (JAHER) is pleased to announce the International Symposium to commemorate the 25th anniversary of our founding. In addition to the President of JAHER, we will invite leading scholars of international academic associations to discuss the current status and challenges of higher education research worldwide: ASHE from the United States, CHER from Europe, and HERA from Asia. All interested parties are welcome to attend. This symposium is open to the public.
International Symposium Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of JAHER
“Higher Education Research Around the World”
日時:2023年5月13日(土)20:00~22:30(日本時間)8 PM-10:30 PM (JST), May 13, 2023
開催形態:Zoomによるウェビナー Zoom Webinar
参加費:無料 Free of Charge
使用言語:日本語および英語(同時通訳付)English/ Japanese (Simultaneous translation)
“Research of Higher Education in Japan: Challenges and Perspectives”
Professor Masayuki Kobayashi, President of JAHER (Japanese Association of Higher Education Research) / Professor, Dean, School of Education and Social Transformation, J. F. Oberlin University
Ana Martínez-Alemán氏(ASHE会長、ボストンカレッジ教授)
“The Association for the Study of Higher Education: Past, Present, and Future”
Professor Ana Martínez-Alemán, President of ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) / Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty & Academic Affairs, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, USA
Hugo Horta氏(CHER会長、香港大学准教授)
“Consortium for Higher Education Researchers: from Europe to the world”
Professor Hugo Horta, Chair of CHER (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) / Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Jung Cheol Shin氏(HERA事務局長・運営委員、ソウル国立大学教授)
“Higher Education Research Association (HERA): Rising academic collaboration in Asia Pacific”
Professor Jung Cheol Shin, Interim Secretary General & Steering Committee Member of HERA (Higher Education Research Association) / Professor, Department of Education, Seoul National University